Star Wars: The Comic Books 1977

Yep... I said it! 1977! Good year! Even as I write this, I hear the Star Wars theme and envision my post scrolling up the screen like in the beginning of Star Wars (ANH thru ROTJ). In 2015, I started to collect a few odds and ends connected to Star Wars and other franchises I was a fan of. As of today, Star Wars is the franchise I have mostly gathered collectibles from. I was a kid in 1977, but I was old enough to remember the Star Wars fever that gripped the nation.

I remember our excitement at the toys, the comic books, and of course, the film itself! I kept a lot of my Star Wars toys from when I was a kid. I didn’t have a lot, but I wanted to protect what I had and replace what I’d discarded/destroyed through playing. In 2015, comic books from the first film were my starting point, at least a major part of that collecting action. Among the first Star Wars Comics I collected were two large/over-sized comics that Marvel produced, which covered the entire film in those 2 issues. 

In 2015, for an average cost of $13 a piece, I purchased used (obviously) copies of the comics pictured here. What rating are the two editions? I have no Frakking idea. The rating of comic books is so messed up and in the eyes of the beholder. Sure, there are claims that certain conditions of a comic warrant a rating of 7.9 or higher. I think I would conservatively rate mine between 6.5 and 7.5. That said, looking at those rated and for sale on eBay, my comics seem to rate between 6.9 and 8.9. As a former museum curator, I find a lot of people providing ratings are full of Wookie dung. In any event, I’ve collected a lot of Star Wars stuff since 2015, but these comics were a special starting point for me. Price-wise on eBay, I see these two comics averaging about $30 a piece for ones in similar condition to mine. Take care.

*** I liked the over-sized comics and still have my Battlestar Galactica one from when I was a kid.


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