So they messed up a little....

My new spin on collecting. Check out the Black Series action figure: Luke at Medal Ceremony at the Yavin base. Again... to be there in 1977/1978 and see Star Wars on the big screen for the first time was... beyond words. I still remember how impactful the sound was, particularly the sound of space fighters in combat. Yes - I understand the whole no sound in space thing, but at less than 10 years of age, that moment in cinematic history was simply mesmerizing! FYI - my memory from that day is quite good - the adults were equally mesmerized by the experience. The award ceremony at the end was a perfect sendoff for the heroes... even if Chewie was robbed of a medal and recognition. Anyway... this action figure encapsulates that moment and that entire film. One problem though. Do you see it?


How about now? Yes, the package has a printing error. A seemingly miniscule error to be sure, but an error none the less. Unless of course my memory of Luke's actual last name is different than I remember. Now, the funny thing is, they eventually corrected the spelling error, but the damage was done. An untold number (well, I at least don't know how many) were released with the spelling error. I'm sure someone on the production team caught Hell for the glitch, but for collectors, the mistake is gold.

In the last few months, I've learned a bit about the collectors who look for such mistakes believing that the production errors add significant value to an item in time. Now, we need to be specific though. Let's say this box had a sticker labeling it as "Han Solo" instead of Luke. Someone merely putting on a sticker wrong seems to be not such a big deal to collectors (sorry Ebayers). However, as with my Luke Yavin Ceremony figure, when a printing error or manufacturing error happen (like the action figure being painted all blue before being packaged), that's when values spike. Honestly, I'm new at this area of collecting. It seems Luke is a part of a lot of such manufacturing and packaging glitches. The point is, these mistakes can be worth big money at auctions or on Ebay. So, the next time you're at Target and looking at the action figures on the shelf, take a moment if any printing mistakes occurred. You may just find an action figure worth big money 10-20 years down the road. Cheers!

*** FYI - a shoutout to Perfect Storm Comics and Games (an Ebay Seller -bccomixofbattlecreek). I made a recent purchase of Mandalorian Comic books through Perfect Storm, and they provided amazing prices and fast shipping. I am trying to rectify my misspent youth and purchase (and save) comic books for future selling opportunities. I will end each blog with an update on Ebay sellers who are phenomenal like Perfect Storm Comics.

Perfect Storm Website:

P.s. I will get back to writing. In fairness, I do have a non-fiction book being released shortly, but I will be back to fantasy novels later this week, including the sequel to KEEP IN THE MARSH. Take care.


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