
Back to the Grind: New collectibles and storage strategies

  Hello old friends! While my other blogs remained active, I have fallen behind here! My apologies. This semester took a lot of time, which left me exhausted. Rest assured, I have added some new collectibles while also making plans for a few blog changes. The two primary changes will be the addition of some price comparisons. I will let you know where I buy new collectibles and post other outlets and prices at the time I purchase an item or at the time I post a blog about the item. The second item is all about protecting collectibles. I worked as a museum curator for years so I am trained and knowledgeable about proper storage techniques. New blog posts will include some storage/preservation tips. As for collectibles, one of my recent purchases was this boxed set of Kenobi and Vader action figures. I loved the #Disney Kenobi series. It had its flaws from my perspective, but all in all I enjoyed seeing Kenobi and Anakin together again. I pre-ordered two of these boxed sets in October at

ZeroKor battery pack/power station

 When you're trying to get things done and your battery backup starts doing weird things: I posted this at 6:34 this morning as my email wouldn't allow me to send the company the video.

The Batman: Back... in a Flash!

For those who missed it... I am so sorry! The experience of Batman (the 1989 movie) in the theatre was... EPIC! From start to finish, the movie pushed many envelopes and opened doors that DC and Marvel are accessing to successfully reach fans and other audiences. I was thrilled with Michael Keaton being cast as Bruce Wayne/Batman. The majority of us were. Don't let the history books tell ya different. DC/Batman fans were excited for Michael Keaton's Bat debut, and we were truly excited with Jack Nicholson's turn at The Joker. There were those who questioned Keaton's becoming the Dark Knight, but those individuals were far less in number than those excited to see Keaton in the cap and cowl. And then... there was the Batmobile. Jada's 1/32 version of the 1989 Batmobile, pictured here, perfectly captures the vehicle's brilliance. Sure, in retrospect, that Batmobile had some quirky features. Yet, of all the Batmobiles after the 1960s one, it stands out as the best f

The Important Thing is that I Love Boba Fett Now!

I know I'm gonna take heat on all sides from this. OK, here it goes. First, due to his capturing of Han Solo in ESB, I hated Boba Fett. NO ONE on this planet was happier to see Fett fall into the Sarlacc pit in 1983 than me. My heart cried out with joy! Oh, how I laughed. TAKE THAT FETT! Years later, a friend informed me that Fett survived in the books. NOOOOOOOOOOO! I would accept anything from the books EXCEPT Fett's survival. Then I saw Mando. I gained respect for Boba after seeing him in the Mando series. Then I saw the Book of Boba Fett. Now... I love the guy! You see what I mean about pissing off everyone with this post. Anywhoo... with my new found respect and admiration for Boba, I finally began to collect a few Boba things. His whole story arc with the Tuskens really made the difference. For all those who weren't fans of The BOBF series, I hope you can appreciate that we finally got backstory that truly completed the character or, at least, redeemed Boba Fett for t

So they messed up a little....

My new spin on collecting. Check out the Black Series action figure: Luke at Medal Ceremony at the Yavin base. Again... to be there in 1977/1978 and see Star Wars on the big screen for the first time was... beyond words. I still remember how impactful the sound was, particularly the sound of space fighters in combat. Yes - I understand the whole no sound in space thing, but at less than 10 years of age, that moment in cinematic history was simply mesmerizing! FYI - my memory from that day is quite good - the adults were equally mesmerized by the experience. The award ceremony at the end was a perfect sendoff for the heroes... even if Chewie was robbed of a medal and recognition. Anyway... this action figure encapsulates that moment and that entire film. One problem though. Do you see it? No? How about now? Yes, the package has a printing error. A seemingly miniscule error to be sure, but an error none the less. Unless of course my memory of Luke's actual last name is different than

This was not the droid I was looking for

  R4-M9. Most definitely NOT the droid I was looking for (just in case the article title wasn't clear). So, there I was, writing a backstory for my new Sith lord... Darth Carodon (aka Red Snaggletooth as a Sith). Initially, I ordered a Jedi starfighter (Obi-wan's from ROTS). That Star Wars collectible is still lost amongst the stars (well, lost for moths amongst the US postal service's facilities throughout the eastern US). Still hoping it will be found. Anhwhoo, I needed a new starfighter plan for my Snaggletooth turned Mando foundling turned Sith (one of 'The Thousand'). My next favorite ship... arguably my favorite ship which I forgot about... the Y-wing starfighter. I was able to get a vintage 1983 Y-wing, minus a few bits. I in turn got the missing bits (vintage canopy and 3D-printed canons)... well, accept for the engine struts and engine endcaps. I decided that Darth Carodon would fly the Y-wing minus the struts. I'm still debating whether to get 3D print

Star Wars: The Comic Books 1977

Yep... I said it! 1977! Good year! Even as I write this, I hear the Star Wars theme and envision my post scrolling up the screen like in the beginning of Star Wars (ANH thru ROTJ). In 2015, I started to collect a few odds and ends connected to Star Wars and other franchises I was a fan of. As of today, Star Wars is the franchise I have mostly gathered collectibles from. I was a kid in 1977, but I was old enough to remember the Star Wars fever that gripped the nation. I remember our excitement at the toys, the comic books, and of course, the film itself! I kept a lot of my Star Wars toys from when I was a kid. I didn’t have a lot, but I wanted to protect what I had and replace what I’d discarded/destroyed through playing. In 2015, comic books from the first film were my starting point, at least a major part of that collecting action. Among the first Star Wars Comics I collected were two large/over-sized comics that Marvel produced, which covered the entire film in those 2 issues.  In 20